Beeville Event Center
Used to contact you in case of problem with payment
Room 101 A (Occupancy 60) Deposit& Reservations without alcohol Room 101 A (Occupancy 60) Deposit& Reservations with alcohol Room 101 B (Occupancy 140) Deposit & Reservation without alcohol Room 101 B (Occupancy 140) Deposit & Reservation with alcohol Room 101 (Occupancy 200) Deposit & Reservation without alcohol Room 101 (Occupancy 200) Deposit & Reservation with alcohol Room 101 A (Occupancy 60) Remaining Balance (No Alcohol) Room 101 A (Occupancy 60) Remaining Balance (Alcohol) Room 101 B (Occupancy 140)Remaining Balance (No Alcohol) Room 101 B (Occupancy 140) Remaining Balance (Alcohol) Room 101 (Occupancy 200) Remaining Balance (No Alcohol) Room 101 (Occupancy 200) Remaining Balance (Alcohol) Payment On Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account Payment of Account
Payment method
Payment Details
Payment amount
City CC Fee (Credit Card) $1.25
Municipal Online Payments Fee (Credit Card) $1.25

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.

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